3 Ways Gratitude Will Make You (And Your Business) Soar
I am discovering that practicing gratitude has many benefits for my own ability to enjoy my life, and it is creating some significant successes in Flow.

Processes: Why We Need Them, Why They Meet Resistance + How to Deal
When you started your business, if your experience was anything like mine, you loved the thrill and challenge of doing everything by the seat of your pants. Making it up as you went along! No templates to fit your work into! Sweet freedom! But then, as you realized that maybe being the only one responsible for everything wasn't the barrel of monkeys you thought it would be, you began to start thinking about outsourcing some tasks, or hiring staff. Or maybe you were happy to keep rocking your business solo, but you found yourself thinking “there must be an easier way to do this.”

5 Things Your Bookkeeper Wants You To Know About E-Commerce (And One Sneaky Tidbit From the Branding Department)
So, you’ve taken your business on line and are now operating an e-commerce shop. Great! You’ve got your branding on point, your photos are inviting, and your copy is pure fire. Amazing! These are, of course, all very important aspects of your e-commerce endeavours. But they’re not the only things to consider!

5 Quick Fixes That Don’t Fix Anything + The Questions You Need To Be Asking
It is our human tendency to focus on the current challenge rather than connecting the dots between the current challenges and their common denominator. We just want to get away from our pain - the fastest way possible.

Why Have I Been Getting So Many Emails Asking Me To Confirm My Address?
If you are like the rest of us in Canada over the last week or two you’ve been getting lots of emails from the mailing lists you are subscribed to asking you to confirm your subscription. Why is this happening?

Eventbrite vs Guestlist For Event Ticketing
We definitely don’t have anything in particular against Eventbrite, but sometimes when you see that everyone is using the same thing you being to wonder “are we sheep?” So, for most of our recent events we decided to stray from the flock and use something else... if there was anything else?

When to Say “Yes” To the Sponsorship Ask + 3 Ways to Politely Decline
As a business owner, there are certain seasons that one can expect to be more or less bombarded with requests from the community to be a sponsor for their event, or donate to their silent auction, or otherwise align themselves with a certain cause.

Habit 7: Sharpening the Saw
Habit #7 can be an antidote to the stress, anxiety and burnout experienced by so many people during this global pandemic. The key idea to this Habit is that regularly investing time for self-renewal has a significant and positive impact on reinforcing your well-being and personal growth.

Habit 6: Emotional Bank Account
Every relationship you have, whether it is a personal or business connection, a spouse or work colleague, a family member or neighbour, you inevitably form a joint emotional
bank account whether you realize it or not. Just like any monetary bank account, when there are constant deposits a sense of security, comfort and trust are developed.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Wow that seems simple but not a habit we always find easy to put into place. Why is that? Is it our pride and/or desire to be validated? Is it our inability to be vulnerable and honest with others? Is it our own desire to be heard overshadowing the need to listen?

Habit 4: I’m Trying to Think “Win-Win”
The concept of Win/Win, the 4 th habit in Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, provided an interesting insight to me. This is the concept that in order to get the best results – at work, in interpersonal relationships, etc. we all need to win.

Habit 3: Put First Things First
My former mother-in-law imagined herself as a genteel lady, adopting an air of dignified nonchalance. She struggled to cope in the brash world around her and wistfully spoke of a forgotten era of grace.

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
When we reviewed this habit as a team, April Burrows, our resident Chief Dot Connector, started us off with the very easy reflection question: “How do you want to be remembered?” We were asked to think about what we wanted people to say at our funerals.

Habit 1: Circle of Influence vs Circle of Concern
Stephen Covey, author of the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, details how businesses and individuals can obtain positive change by aligning with universal principles based on ‘character ethics’.

Is Your Profit & Loss Statement Working For You?
We love Quickbooks Online with their pre-set chart of accounts - they basically offer all the accounts you could possibly ever imagine. However, there are almost too many options.

3 Reasons to Update and Review Your Website Now
It all begins with an idea.